Bow Tree Civic Association Dues

How much are dues?

$60.00 annually.

When are they due?

April 30th

What are they used for?

The dues are used to ensure our neighborhood continues to be welcoming and a community. Specifically, dues are used for:

  • Front entrance maintenance of three entrances
  • Landscaping in community areas
  • Neighborhood improvements such as directional signage and the free little library
  • Neighborhood outreach and welcoming committee
  • Contributions towards neighborhood events

How do I pay?

Paypal is the preferred method (PayPal account: [email protected]).
Please choose the “Friends & Family” option, otherwise we will lose out on a percentage of your dues to Paypal fees.
Please include your name and address in the “Add a note” section during checkout.
Via check, mail to Bow Tree Civic Association
PO Box 1453
West Chester, PA 19380

Are dues required?

Dues are optional. The money from the dues benefits us all – whether it’s the welcoming entrances that help attract a potential home buyer to the neighborhood or a neighborhood event where your kiddos meet new friends.

Questions? Suggestions?

Learn more about the Bow Tree Civic Association or please contact us at [email protected]

Upcoming Bow Tree Events